Hm... aha a placeholder-route to null0 with tracking-option and then match with a prefix-list on a route-map to originate the default route.
But what the INE guys are missing that they don't state you can impelement a new IP subnet to the requirements.
My first try was to add a normal default-route to the backbone-device add a track statement on this route, and everything is fine !?!
A more "straightforward" solution thatn INE, it's not necessary to do it with a 169...-whatever !?!
What do you think ?
very true... that solution was just weird even with route map stmts and all, in we cannot use that solution in a CCIE lab.
AntwortenLöschenconf t
ip sla 1
icmp-echo x.x.x.x
time-out 2000
frequency 5
ip sla schedule 1 1 life forever start now.
track 100 rtr 100
ip route track 100