Stateless autoconfiguration
works with NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol), Prefix im RA enthalten + EUI/64 ergibt IPv6-AdresseAutoconfiguration abschalten
Router(config-if)#ipv6 nd suppress-ra
- nicht pratikabel, keine Router-Discovery mehr
- keine Router-RAs -> keine Autoconfiguratio
Automatisches Renumbering mit Hilfe von Konfiguration für Prefix-Gültigkeit (S.92)
Router(config-if)# ipv6 nd prefix 2003::/64 at 31 Dec 2012 23:59 31 Dec 2012 12:15
expire Valid Lifetime / expire Preferred Lifetime
ACHTUNG : NTP (kann weiterhin von IPv4-Source kommen)Stateful DHCPv6
Nicht mit IOS, Cisco Network Registrar (CNR) Software für Solaris,Linux,Windows (S.93)
Wenn der DHCPv6-Server nicht im selben L2-Netz ist, benötigt mal DHCPv6 Relay (analog IPv4)
Router(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2003::1
Rack1R5(config-if)#ipv6 nd managed-config-flag (Hosts should use DHCP for address config)
#Q# Was passeirt wenn kein DHCP da ist, zieht dann wieder Autoconfiguration !?!
#Q# Was ist der unterschied von manage-config-flag zu other-config-flag !?!
#A# Combining the values of the M and O flags can yield the following:
Both M and O Flags are Set to 0. This combination corresponds to a network
without a DHCPv6 infrastructure. Hosts use router advertisements for
non-link-local addresses and other methods (such as manual configuration)
to configure other settings.
Both M and O Flags are Set to 1. DHCPv6 is used for both addresses and
other configuration settings. This combination is known as DHCPv6 stateful,
in which DHCPv6 is assigning stateful addresses to IPv6 hosts.
The M Flag is Set to 0 and the O Flag is Set to 1. DHCPv6 is not used to
assign addresses, only to assign other configuration settings. Neighboring
routers are configured to advertise non-link-local address prefixes from
which IPv6 hosts derive stateless addresses. This combination is known as
DHCPv6 stateless: DHCPv6 is not assigning stateful addresses to IPv6 hosts,
but stateless configuration settings.
The M Flag is Set to 1 and the O Flag is Set to 0. In this combination,
DHCPv6 is used for address configuration but not for other settings.
Because IPv6 hosts typically need to be configured with other settings,
such as the IPv6 addresses of Domain Name System (DNS) servers, this is an
unlikely combination.
Both M and O Flags are Set to 0. This combination corresponds to a network
without a DHCPv6 infrastructure. Hosts use router advertisements for
non-link-local addresses and other methods (such as manual configuration)
to configure other settings.
Both M and O Flags are Set to 1. DHCPv6 is used for both addresses and
other configuration settings. This combination is known as DHCPv6 stateful,
in which DHCPv6 is assigning stateful addresses to IPv6 hosts.
The M Flag is Set to 0 and the O Flag is Set to 1. DHCPv6 is not used to
assign addresses, only to assign other configuration settings. Neighboring
routers are configured to advertise non-link-local address prefixes from
which IPv6 hosts derive stateless addresses. This combination is known as
DHCPv6 stateless: DHCPv6 is not assigning stateful addresses to IPv6 hosts,
but stateless configuration settings.
The M Flag is Set to 1 and the O Flag is Set to 0. In this combination,
DHCPv6 is used for address configuration but not for other settings.
Because IPv6 hosts typically need to be configured with other settings,
such as the IPv6 addresses of Domain Name System (DNS) servers, this is an
unlikely combination.
Prefixe vom Provider per DHCPv6 vom Provider Router (auch Delegating Router - DR) genannt. CE = RR (Requesting Router). Auch hier wird bei non-directly connected PE-CE ein DHCPv6 Relay benötigt.
DUID= DHCPv6 Unique Identifier
ipv6 dhcp pool foo
prefix-delegation 2001:7:7::/48 01
Rack1R5(config-if)#ipv6 address foo 0:0:0::1/64 ipv6 dhcp pool foo
prefix-delegation 2001:7:7::/48 01
Die ersten 48Bit werden durch 2001:7:7 ersetzt
Rack1R5(config-if)#ipv6 dhcp client pd foo (Downstream-Interfaces)
Rack1R5(config-if)#ipv6 address autoconfig default (Interface zum DR, generiert Def.Route)
Achtung ! Prefix-Delegation löst nicht das IGP ab, Prefix propagation via IGP wird immer noch benötigt !
Informationen über DNS, Hostname, etc.
Rack1R5(config-if)#ipv6 nd other-config-flag
nd-mit other config flag zeigt das Hosts stateful DHCP nutzen sollen !?!
DNS Replay mit IPv4 und IPv6 Adressen gleichzeitig möglich
IPv6 DNS Records können über IPv4 transportiert werden und IPv4 DNS Records können über IPv6 transportiert werden
Am besten Dual-Stack DNS Server
Access Layer
Cable modems - haben bislang kein IPv6 support, IGMP snooping verhindert NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol)
Access over tunnels
- MCT (manually configured tunnel) S.121 (Achtung! RA ist auf Tunnel-Interfaces disabled im IOS)
- Tunnel broker - tunnel Server (scale MCTs) kein IOS Feature
- Teredo - IPv6 tunneling over IPv4 UDP (Port 3544) meines Wissens kein IOS Feature
- ISATAP (RFC 4214) - S.123 - encap IPv6 in IPv4 (Protokoll Nr.41) - IPv4 als Link-Layer, FE80::5EFE::/64 + EUI/64 als link-local , es darf kein NAT verwendet werden wg. ProtokollNr.
- IPv6 over GRE (MCT)
- 6to4 tunnels (automatic) - S.129 - Tunnel Destination muss nicht angegeben werden, each site 2002:V4ADDR::/48 - Tunnel Endpunkte anhand der IPv4-Adresse, Probleme gibt es wenn ein Host mehreren Adressen hat.
- IPv6 MPLS - braucht einen LSP für IPv6 und für IPv6, (LDPv6 gibt es derzeit noch nicht), IPv4 Peering kann für IPv6 Prefix Propagation genutzt werden (adress-family ipv6)
- IPv6 over L2 circuit (EoMPLS) S.133
- IPv6 tunnels over IPv4 over MPLS S.135
- IPv6 MPPLS with IPv4 core (6PE) S.137 - bei PHP gibt es Probleme da kein IPv6-Informationen vorhanden sind darum muss in der IPv6-Adress-Family neighbor x.x.x.x send-label genutzt werden,M-BGP SAFI (Subsequent Adress Family) Label , P-Router müssen kein IPv6 sprechen, Problem ICMPv6 bei traceroute über MPLS Domain (no mpls ip propagate-ttl)
Translation Mechanism (NAT-PT) (RFC 2765,2766) - S.140
Konfiguration NAT-PT - S.142
interface Ethernet3/1
ipv6 address 2001:0db8:bbbb:1::9/64
ipv6 enable
ipv6 nat
interface Ethernet3/3
ip address
ipv6 nat
ipv6 nat v4v6 source 2001:0db8:0::2
ipv6 nat v6v4 source list pt-list1 pool v4pool
ipv6 nat v6v4 pool v4pool prefix-length 24
ipv6 nat translation udp-timeout 600
ipv6 nat prefix 2001:0db8:1::/96
ipv6 access-list pt-list1
permit ipv6 2001:0db8:bbbb:1::/64 any
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